Customer Testimonials

Your team does such a great job building our kits! The kits look wonderful and we appreciate the care you show to make sure they are done right. Your team is truly appreciated!

-Francis Delapp
Operations Manager

Your employees are rock stars! You always make our deadlines and do outstanding work.

-Sandra Utt
Print Production Specialist

McCormick has always been very satisfied with the job VSI has done for us. The attention to detail and accuracy plus on time completion of jobs are some of the key attributes of VSI.

-Lisa Williams

The folks at VSI have certainly made my job much easier through the last few years. Flexing to our urgent needs to get us out of a bind or delivering at a moment’s notice. Everyone is great to work with and it is always uplifting when I come by the plant. Love what all you do.

-Casey Koehler Director of Manufacturing

Excellent company to partner with. Quality is great!

-Brenda Waid

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CARF Accredited
Vocational Services Inc. is proud to be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), a not-for-profit, and nationally recognized accreditation authority. VSI is accredited in Organizational Employment and Community Integrated Employment Services.
VSI Administration
935 Kent Street
Liberty, MO 64068
Mon.-Fri. 8AM-5PM
(816) 781-6292

© 2024 by Vocational Services